Summary of Requirements of  a MAI Membership

Membership / Standards of Professional Practice/Good Moral Character

Must provide proof of passing an approved 15-Hour National USPAP Course/Exam and pass the Appraisal Institute’s Business Practices and Ethics Course.

The Associates Member must be a General Associate Member in good standings for at lease 12 months prior to applying for MAI Designated Membership.

The Associated Member must have a good moral character.

College Degree Requirement

At least a four-year college degree from an accredited college or university, documented by providing an official transcript sent directly from the college to Associate and Affiliate Member Service Center.

Comprehensive Exam

Must pass the Appraisal Institute’s General Comprehensive Examination

Appraisal Experience

The general associate member must receive credit for 4,500 hours of Specialized Experience, over at least 36-month period.

Demonstration Report

Must receive credit for a demonstration appraisal report on an income producing property or receive credit for the research project or three-appraisal report alternative.

Unless criteria for general state certification or certain degrees are attained, the following Level I Exams are required:

  • Basic Appraisal Principles
  • Basic Appraisal Procedures
  • General Appraiser Income Approach/Part I (or equivalent)
  • General Appraiser Income Approach/Part II (or equivalent)
  • General Appraiser Sales Comparison Approach (or equivalent)
  • General Appraiser Site Valuation & Cost Approach (or equivalent)
  • General Market Analysis and Highest and Best Use (AI exam still required for Level II credit, see below)
  • General Appraiser Report Writing & Case Studies
  • Real Estate Finance, Statistics, Valuation Modeling

Credit must be received for the following Level II courses examinations:

  • Advanced Income Capitalization
  • General Market Analysis and Highest and Best Use
  • Advanced Sales Comparison and Cost Approaches
  • Report Writing and Valuation Analysis
  • Advanced Applications

Required Courses/Exams